
the state of the studio

Here's a little summary of my life since leaving my job:

Day 1: Friday. Dye pink streaks in hair (OK, meant to be purple, but either way I've got my post-teenage rebellion out of the way). Marvel at number of posters continuing to sell from "the Redditing" (over 200). Begin rolling mass quantities of posters and ship a case of them (around 50 tubes). Meet with favorite freelance client and discuss impending launch of her product line (exciting!)

Day 2: Saturday. Throw large birthday picnic/BBQ for four friends, including Jimmy. Spend the entire day cooking and cleaning, not rolling posters. Notice that posters are continuing to sell like mad and become a little alarmed; begin leaving food on stove to go and stuff posters into tubes. Nearly ruin potatoes; manage to not ruin potatoes. Have awesome party.

Day 3: Sunday. Wake up, go to IHOP with overnight guests, recall halfway through breakfast just how many posters I've sold. Go home and frantically roll posters while husband and friend watch terrible Japanese B-movie RoboGeisha. Against will, sort of enjoy RoboGeisha. Do nothing but roll posters for remainder of day.

Day 4: Monday. Roll posters. Run out of poster tubes. Realize shipment of poster tubes from supplier should be coming. Look at tracking, discover that poster tubes have in fact been shipped to billing address rather than shipping address (which is my parents' house, several hours away and they're on vacation). Call company, am assured that they will redirect the package of tubes.

Day 5: Tuesday. Roll posters. Ship a bajillion international posters. Seriously test patience of nice postal worker. Roll more posters. Wonder where my tubes are.

Day 6: Wake up filled with bizarre craving to watch Beauty and the Beast. Purchase Beauty and the Beast DVD. Watch it while rolling posters. Realize as end credits roll that tubes never arrived. Check tracking page, discover that tubes were delivered...to the billing address. Leave passive-aggressive message for tube company. Panic and try to figure out where to get that many mailing tubes on short notice.

So basically, I've just been rolling posters. I'm getting them out as quickly as I can, although the mailing tube debacle is making it difficult. Stay tuned, kids...

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